Friday, September 30, 2011

Official Request

NBC - consider this my official request to have you move The Playboy Club to Friday nights. I'm going to give you a few reasons why, and I really don't want to hear any argument.

1) It's off to a decent start plot-wise, but terrible start in the ratings
2) It cannot win in the Monday 10pm time slot (not up against Castle and Hawaii Five-0)
3) It has major "cult following" potential, as did another Friday night NBC great, Friday Night Lights
4) There really is nothing else that great on the tube on Fridays, so you can take advantage of the "well I'm watching TV, and nothing else is on so I'll just watch The Playboy Club" people

Look, the show got terrible ratings the first few weeks, but I honestly thought it was just as entertaining as a few of the other new dramas. It has NO shot of surviving in its current time slot, so NBC has to move it or cancel it. It's a cool concept, and just needs a little love. Your network managed to save FNL and Chuck. So NBC, please move The Playboy Club to Friday night.


1 comment:

  1. Hear, hear! I second that request. Now it's official :-)
