Sunday, October 23, 2011

His Sunday must-watch (10/23)

I'll tell you what I'm NOT watching tonight first. And that's Once Upon a Time. I get that it is from the creators of LOST. But a show about fairy tales? Give me a break. The first time I saw the preview for this back in the spring I was instantly turned off, and nothing has happened to bring me back around. I'm sure millions of people will watch it and love it, but it's just not for me.

As for what I actually will be watching? Obviously Desperate Housewives (9/8c on ABC). I'll admit that the whole "murder secret" plot line is getting a bit tired, but some entertaining things are happening right now. Gaby has been named head of the PTA, which can only end horribly. Susan is digging for her inner pain in a new painting class, which I'm sure will end with the murder being exposed. And Vance just had the missing person case file of Gaby's step father cross his desk. Add all that to Lynette spiraling out of control and we've had quite a good couple of weeks.

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