Sunday, October 16, 2011

His Sunday must-watch (10/16)

Did some catching up on Desperate Housewives over the weekend, and I have to admit I'm torn on a couple of things. I'm happy this is the last season. I'm just not sure how much more of the ups and downs and manufactured drama I can take. However, I'll be sad to see the book completely closed on Wisteria Lane. The main members of this cast have provided some great drama over the last few years, and somehow it is still going strong enough to get must-watch status for tonight.

Can Mike & Susan get past yet another lie? How many relationships can survive jail time, a murder, dialysis, long distance, losing a house, an ex husband always around, the wife stripping on the internet, and another murder? I mean really, most relationships fail after just the long distance part. Now they have to get through this cover up? Poor Mike.

Add to that Bree screwing things up with Detective Vance, Lynette and Tom's incessant fighting and Gabby's inability to connect with Carols and you have quite a bit of drama going down right now. I'm sure it will all get worse before it eventually gets better, making for some juicy TV.

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