I'll start with the latter. I'm going to give Two and a Half Men one more post-Sheen chance tonight, but I'm really not happy about it. I don't consider a "must-watch" because to be honest, it's just not as good as it used to be. Maybe I just don't like the story line of Walden, or maybe I'm just sick of Alan's character. Whatever it is, I know that watching this show last week was more of a chore than an enjoyment. If it has another week like that it might be the end of the road for me, and should be the end of the road for some of those other 20 million that keep tuning in.
My true must-watch for tonight is The Playboy Club. It's probably going to get canceled soon. It might even get canceled tomorrow. So this is quite possibly the last chance to enjoy it. As I mentioned this weekend, it is a good concept for a show with some nice characters that is suffering from a terrible time slot. It's a sinking ship that needs some support, so I'm going to support it until the bitter end.
How does Men get 20 million viewers when Playboy Club can't even get 2 million? Well, Club has an audience that most likely doesn't watch TV religiously. They watch it on demand, or watch mostly shows on HBO. Everyone watches Men because of Sheen, what was going to happen after Sheen, and because apparently most people's remotes don't work and their TV is stuck on CBS.
So please people, I'm asking you for your support. Watch The Playboy Club tonight. If you haven't seen it yet, go back and watch the pilot. Stealing a quote from Empire Records - Damn the Men. Save the Empire (well, club, but you get what I mean).
So please people, I'm asking you for your support. Watch The Playboy Club tonight. If you haven't seen it yet, go back and watch the pilot. Stealing a quote from Empire Records - Damn the Men. Save the Empire (well, club, but you get what I mean).
Tell me Monday night's show got you back on board?!? Alan and Jake fighting over the bed? Alan telling Walden he belongs on gay money? Alan's ex sucking Walden's face off? The new cool dynamic between Walden and Jake? If you don't have rave reviews for last night's showing, I must ask (to quote Walden talking to Jake): "What's your deal?"