Monday, October 3, 2011

Her Monday must-watch (10/3)

Before I get into tonight's must-watch, I want to encourage you all to tune in to The Playboy Club tonight, as it's need of some desperate ratings help. As Perez Hilton and others have speculated, it very well could be the first show canceled this season if things don't turn around fast. I'm enjoying this show and the character stories that are developing, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

So why isn't The Playboy Club my must-watch? Well, I'm afraid it may be too late for this show no matter what I say, but a girl can dream. More importantly, there's one other show that I can't not throw my must-vote watch to because of the importance of it's third episode of the season tonight: Two and a Half Men.

In the first two episodes, everything that was needed to set up this season has been taken care of. Here's the rundown: Bury Charlie Sheen - I mean Harper; introduce Ashton Kutcher's character Walden Schmidt; have Walden move into Charlie's old house; have bikini-clad (presumably) former lover of Charlie stroll in from the beach looking for him only to find out he's dead and hit on Walden instead; meet Walden's wife, who was the reason Walden tried to drown himself and ended up at Charlie's beach house in the first place; have Walden hire housekeeper Berta and ask her to move in; and of course, make life so awkward for Alan at his mother's house that when Walden asks if there's any way he can repay Alan for everything he's done for him, have Alan say "Mind if I stay here a while?" And there you have it.

So far the ratings for a Sheen-less Men have been HUGE. Like Walden Schmidt huge (as we learned in episode one). But episode three is where the setup ends and the real future of Men begins. Will viewers stay interested? I can't wait to find out.

Also, previews show Ashton will be sporting a half-up ponytail do. That image alone is worthy of a pause button moment.

1 comment:

  1. Like I said earlier, I'll be watching Two and a Half Men as well, but mostly because I want to see if the show has any hope of keeping status on the DVR for the rest of the year.

    Listen, I get it. This show has provided entertainment and comedy to millions for years. It had a great concept when it started, and the Alan/Charlie tandem provided some great moments. With Sheen moving on the fans and network were concerned.

    So what did CBS do? They went big and pulled in Ashton Kutcher. He was pretty solid on That 70s Show, but really he is much better suited for the big screen. Yeah you can say some of the "chick flicks" he has been in are pretty suspect, but he was hilarious in No Strings Attached and What Happens in Vegas. To me, he's just not that funny on this show. He also happens to not even be the best character named Schmidt this fall (New Girl's roommate Schmidt).

    I'm willing to keep the show in the rotation for now, but it's definitely on the borderline.
