Wednesday, September 21, 2011

His Wednesday must-watch

I can't believe that my must-watch pick for the night is a show I swore I would never watch when I first heard it was coming state-side. After years of putting up with American Idol, I thought I was done with singing competitions, but there's something about Paula and Simon that just keeps me coming back for more.

That's right, my must-watch for tonight is The X Factor (8/7c Wed & Thurs on FOX). A show that has made millions around the globe is coming to the USA. It's basically Idol on steroids. Contestants auditioning not just for the judges, but for a live audience (yikes!), a "bootcamp" that promises to blow Idol's "Hollywood Week" out of the water, some quality time with the judges and finally the live show. Plus, we've added L.A. Reid and Nicole Scherzinger (Paula, circa 1991) to the mix.

If this goes over well, I could be signing myself up for 3 months of overly emotional, completely pointless yet totally riveting competition. If it tanks, there's always a chance Paula goes crazy when she realizes she's washed up sitting next to Nicole. I'm game.

1 comment:

  1. The X Factor, huh? I mean, I like seeing Simon Cowell in a tight v-neck T as much as the next gal, but definitely wouldn't throw this show my must watch vote for 9/21. First of all, it looks like he's left his signature shirts behind for Ryan Seacrest (I love you Ryan!) and will be donning a fancier suit jacket and slightly unbuttoned collared shirt. Seems like someone's trying a little too hard, if you ask me.

    Then there's Paula Abdul, who appears to have it a little too together lately for my liking; L.A. Reid, who I've never heard of but assuming is of no relation to Tara; and Miss Pussycat Dolls herself, Nicole Scherzinger. Listen, I may own a PCD hoodie sweatshirt. But everyone makes mistakes.

    Basically, watching this show reminds me of flossing. I know I'll get around to it eventually. I feel like I have to. But I'll put it off as long as possible, and I'm pretty sure I won't enjoy it once I break down and do it.
