Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Her Wednesday must-watch (9/28)

Number 13 is definitely unlucky for Detective Elliot Stabler. After an incredible 12 seasons, Stabler (Chris Meloni) was nowhere to be found in  the Law & Order: SVU season 13 premiere last week. Off camera, Meloni was unable to come to a contract agreement with the network. On camera in last week's episode, we watched as Captain Kragen broke the news to Detective Olivia Benson: Stabler had submitted his papers. And there it was. No last goodbye for Benson and the rest of the squad, or for the viewers who have watched throughout the years. Like all those victims in the show's opening sequences, he's just gone.

Olivia had to steal a few moments alone, to sob for her departed partner and friend, before heading out on her next case. But what next? Will Stabler ever be mentioned again? Will the show simply go on as if he were never there, as we learn more about the new characters? I for one am curious to find out, and that's why Law & Order: SVU (10/9c on NBC) is my must-watch of the night. This one's for you, Elliot. (Plus,with rumors swirling that Mariska Hargitay may not be returning for another season, this might be the beginning of the end.)

1 comment:

  1. Definitely think it's the beginning of the end. This show has hinged on Benson & Stabler for so long, and they made such a great duo. There's just too many crime shows around to have this one survive without a key player.

    Don't get me wrong, SVU will always have thrilling plots, but NBC really only has 2 options:

    1) Let Hargitay go at the end of this year and bring on a new duo all together a la Silk Stalkings. Lorenzo & Lance (Rob Estes and Mitzi Capture) were fantastic. When CBS tried to tie a storyline together to replace them it bombed. Then they brought in the completely new pair Tom Ryan and Cassie St. John and saved the show for a few years.

    2) Finish out this year and end the show as the ratings start to go down. Pretend this season never happened, and put together a fantastic 12-season blu-ray boxed set.

    SVU will not survive with Hargitay and partner X. It'd be like Castle without Beckett...Ross without Rachel...Tom without Jerry. It just wouldn't feel right.
