Tuesday, October 11, 2011

His Tuesday must-watch (10/11)

Overall a fairly slow night for TV in my opinion, so I'll be doing some serious catching up on my DVR for most of the night (behind on Charlie's Angels, Person of Interest and Gossip Girl). It'll probably be a make or break episode for Angels and Person of Interest so we'll see how things go with last week's episodes. Sounds like most have bailed on these already.

As for my must-watch? Tonight it's a show that many of you already watch and would probably be appalled that I don't - Sons of Anarchy (10/9c on FX). I decided to take a peek at the website today to see what all the fuss is about. It reads "...illegally thriving arms business. The seduction of money, power, and blood." Count me in.

Now I'm not a big motorcycle person, but the word on the street is that you don't have to be to enjoy this show. It's received nothing but rave reviews, plus it's on FX, so it doesn't get cancelled for making parents angry (here's to you, NBC!). Sure, I'm 3 seasons and a few episodes behind, but that's why they invented Quickster, er..Netflix. Let's give it a shot.

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