Sunday, October 9, 2011

His Sunday must-watch (10/9)

Huge day for football with my Patriots facing off against the rival Jets this afternoon. Always an entertaining week of trash talk leading up to game day and the football itself never fails to disappoint. As is my Sunday ritual I plan to pretty much camp out and watch football for most of the day, although this time I'm in enemy territory watching the Pats/Jets game in NYC amidst a sea of Jets fans. I'll have to keep my own personal trash talking to a minimum.

Hopefully I'll be in a good mood when the game is over, but you never know. Either way, I'll be tuning in to my must-watch of the night, Pan Am (10/9 c, ABC). As I mentioned earlier this weekend, Pan Am rebounded nicely from a relatively slow pilot with a nice 2nd episode. The backstory on a few of the characters (Dean/Bridget, Laura & Kate) started to get filled in, and a new romance (Dean & Collette?) may have kicked off. All topped off with the sass of Christina Ricci's character Maggie Ryan. Not too bad. Let's hope the Pan Am crew can keep it going.

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